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City/Area/Mobile Code Price
Falkland Islands FK 500 48, 49 $ 4.144
Falkland Islands - Mobile Sure South Atlantic Limited FK 500 5, 6 $ 4.144
Falkland Islands - ROC FK 500   $ 4.144
Faroe Islands FO 298 1, 80, 90 $ 0.160
Faroe Islands FO 298 70 $ 0.396
Faroe Islands - FO - Countrywide FO 298 2 $ 0.396
Faroe Islands - Mobile Faroese Telecom FO 298 27, 23, 24, 25, 26, 21, 28, 29, 22 $ 0.396
Faroe Islands - Mobile Multiple Providers FO 298 7 $ 0.396
Faroe Islands - Mobile Multiple Providers FO 298 9 $ 0.160
Faroe Islands - Mobile Vodafone FO 298 5 $ 0.396
Faroe Islands - ROC FO 298   $ 0.160
Fiji - Mobile Digicel Fiji Ltd FJ 679 7 $ 0.578
Fiji - Mobile Multiple Providers FJ 679 5 $ 0.578
Fiji - Mobile Telecom Fiji Ltd FJ 679 60 $ 0.578
Fiji - Mobile Vodafone Fiji Ltd FJ 679 84, 9, 80, 2, 83, 87, 86, 4, 89 $ 0.578
Fiji - ROC FJ 679   $ 0.578
Finland FI 358 131, 161, 171, 910, 181, 31, 61, 21, 51, 81, 90, 141, 191 $ 0.687
Finland FI 358 70, 80, 60, 2023, 2022, 2020 $ 0.129
Finland - Ahvenanmaa FI 358 1819, 1814, 1815, 1813, 1816, 1817, 1812 $ 0.687
Finland - FI - Countrywide FI 358 20, 7, 10, 29, 30, 39 $ 0.129
Finland - FI - Countrywide FI 358 71 $ 0.199
Finland - Kuopio FI 358 1716, 1718, 1715, 1717, 1719 $ 0.687
Finland - Mobile DNA Palvelut OY FI 358 44 $ 0.687
Finland - Mobile Elisa Oyj FI 358 46, 50 $ 0.687
Finland - Mobile Multiple Providers FI 358 4 $ 0.164
Finland - Mobile Multiple Providers FI 358 43, 49, 45 $ 0.687
Finland - Mobile Telia Finland Oyj FI 358 42 $ 0.687
Finland - Pohjois-Karjala FI 358 1312, 1313, 1314, 1315, 1316, 1317 $ 0.687
Finland - ROC FI 358   $ 0.687
France FR 33 80, 8 $ 0.676
France FR 33 94, 90, 92, 93 $ 0.057
France - FR - Countrywide FR 33 3, 5, 149, 187, 189, 180, 182, 148, 184, 159, 162, 1856, 1858, 95, 960, 961, 962, 963, 964, 965, 967, 968, 186, 181, 42, 46, 27, 22, 97, 23, 24, 17, 25, 48, 98, 45, 44, 41, 183, 297, 290, 188, 26, 28, 12, 10, 19, 21, 43, 49, 18513, 18512, 18511, 18510, 169, 161, 160, 158, 156, 155, 18515, 18516, 18517, 1859, 1857, 1855, 1850, 299, 296, 1854, 1852, 18519, 18518, 1853, 150, 141, 140, 134, 130, 144, 143, 147, 146 $ 0.057
France - Mobile AFONE FR 33 7800, 6022, 62836, 6023, 7801 $ 0.350
France - Mobile Alphalink FR 33 63808, 63809 $ 0.436
France - Mobile Bouygues Telecom FR 33 662, 665, 667, 660, 661, 666, 668, 664, 760, 763, 650, 658, 765, 764, 762, 761 $ 0.350
France - Mobile Cellhire (France) FR 33 75201, 75200 $ 0.350
France - Mobile Completel FR 33 7517 $ 0.436
France - Mobile Coriolis Telecom FR 33 75778, 62830 $ 0.350
France - Mobile E*Message FR 33 64165, 6063, 64997, 6062, 64996, 6060, 6043, 6042, 657, 6061, 64994 $ 0.436
France - Mobile Free FR 33 769, 768 $ 0.350
France - Mobile Free FR 33 783, 652, 782, 651, 6535, 6536, 6537, 6538, 6539, 695 $ 0.436
France - Mobile Globalstar Europe FR 33 64001, 64000, 64004 $ 0.816
France - Mobile Globalstar Europe FR 33 75077, 75076 $ 0.818
France - Mobile Groupe Netcom SA Telecom FR 33 75569, 75707, 75717 $ 0.350
France - Mobile IP Directions FR 33 63806 $ 0.436
France - Mobile La Poste Telecom FR 33 62833, 62835, 62834, 6568, 6567 $ 0.350
France - Mobile Lebara France FR 33 7519, 7518 $ 0.436
France - Mobile LycaMobile FR 33 753 $ 0.350
France - Mobile Multiple Providers FR 33 653, 635, 629, 6282, 640, 751, 644, 634, 641, 777, 7576, 6281, 6499, 69, 60, 669, 78, 638, 7575, 7505, 6280, 7555 $ 0.350
France - Mobile Multiple Providers FR 33 7, 6 $ 0.038
France - Mobile Multiple Providers FR 33 75, 784, 77, 649, 74, 70, 602, 6446, 656, 780 $ 0.436
France - Mobile NRJ Mobile FR 33 636, 6417, 64160, 64161 $ 0.436
France - Mobile NRJ Mobile FR 33 75568, 75567, 7500, 6025, 6024, 75777, 75787, 75566, 75432, 75070, 75060 $ 0.350
France - Mobile Orange France FR 33 645, 637, 632, 654, 643, 631, 630, 647, 648 $ 0.350
France - Mobile Orange France FR 33 64993, 64992, 789 $ 0.436
France - Mobile Orange France FR 33 788, 787 $ 0.038
France - Mobile SFR FR 33 62839, 623, 6285, 778, 6284, 6286, 6289, 6288, 6287, 62838, 646, 626, 624, 7501, 621, 627, 655, 620, 62831, 61, 625, 62837, 622 $ 0.350
France - Mobile SFR FR 33 7516, 6698 $ 0.436
France - Mobile Sierra Wireless France FR 33 64162 $ 0.436
France - Mobile Transatel FR 33 6445, 6444 $ 0.436
France - ROC FR 33   $ 0.020
French Guiana GF 594 93, 8, 94 $ 0.037
French Guiana - Mobile Digicel Antilles Francaises Guyane GF 594 6949 $ 0.175
French Guiana - Mobile Guyane Telephone Mobile GF 594 69411, 69410 $ 0.239
French Guiana - Mobile Multiple Providers GF 594 6 $ 0.291
French Guiana - Mobile Multiple Providers GF 594 6940 $ 0.186
French Guiana - Mobile Multiple Providers GF 594 6941 $ 0.175
French Guiana - Mobile Outremer Telecom GF 594 69446, 69447 $ 0.186
French Guiana - Mobile Outremer Telecom GF 594 7 $ 0.037
French Guiana - ROC GF 594   $ 0.037
French Polynesia PF 689 4088, 44 $ 0.583
French Polynesia - Mobile Multiple Providers PF 689 8 $ 0.286
French Polynesia - Mobile Pacific Mobile Telecom PF 689 89 $ 0.783
French Polynesia - Mobile Viti PF 689 88 $ 0.583
French Polynesia - ROC PF 689   $ 0.583
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